Thursday, July 28, 2011

Clan Notes: Blue Fangs

Clan Name Blue Fangs

Climate Marshes and thick swampy areas

Clan Structure Xenoanthropologists have been studying the dense Southern Swamp for several decades. It's a massive ecological wonderland, with various species of animal and plants adapted for this unique environment. Many species of plants have been recorded that acted as a evolutionary links between their cousins up north. Blue Fangs have been a similar missing link.

Getting data from the Blue Fang dia has been very laborious. Naturally aggressive towards humans the only race they will keep contact outside of their own is oddly elves this is unusual as most of the drakkhani people have a long standing grudge against them. But the Blue Fangs lack that lingering hate among the, this was perfect for a mountain elf named Lichen Twobranch, a senior xenoanthropologist who took root with the dia and has been studying them ever since.

According to Dr. Twobranch, the Blue Fangs showed many vestigial behaviors and xenobiologist Dr Cranefeather, have had the honor of dissecting one and noticed a vestigial organ that dragons originally had several million years ago. This was a major fine in the field of xenobiology. Humans have been wondering for ages what caused the split between Draco Magnificant and Alfir Dracis. Many scientists have had several theories, many include a more scientific look at the drakkhani creation myth. One scientist suggested that drakkhani might not be related to elves at all, but were at one point some sort of synapsid, that was a kind of proto-dragon that moved on a different evolutionary path. The only reason they have similar genes and traits with the alfir species is because of a recent connection that caused that link-up. However, we're getting of topic.

The Blue Fangs have some left-overs from their prehistoric days making them the oldest dia known. They are considered backwards by most clans and thus, they are not well liked by most clans. However the main problem is not because of their “backwards” culture but because of their relationship with elves. This ends up being a major problem for most drakkhani because their own personal feud.

The clan practice many traditions that are very much the same as their cousin clans. However some traditions are considered “barbaric” by most of the northern dias. One of them is a from of ritualized mounting during the rut. A young man is held down as an older male grinds up from behind. This is only lasts a second and there is no phallus being exposed, never the less though most clans find this cruel and obscene. Humans on the other hand wonder if this was a proto-behavior done by dragons. A form of dominance mating. No one knows for sure.

Survival in the Blue Fangs is tough, they live in a dangerous world with swamp-wyrms massive river whales and sharks. They are not the top predators and live on a knife's edge. Most hatchlings do not survive until adulthood among the Blue Fangs, because of this, most hatchlings are supervised by older members of their creh until they are big enough to deal with the super predators.

The Blue Fang's emblem is the great fish, a staple among their dia, their main phenotype is green with sage mottling, they have fins in their head and tail horns are gray and they have brown eyes and hair. Common mutations have been, over bites and webbing. They are the only clan that have wings meant for both flight and swimming.

Clan allies and foes Most clans do not tangle with the Blue Fangs however it has been observed that they have some loose ties with the Greenflame and Sunwings.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Clan Notes: Downgust

Clan Name Downgust

Climate heavy mountainous regions and volcanic ridges

Clan Structure This dia is rather small, and like the Wintervale and the Sunwings they are skittish. However they are remarkable archers and skilled at hunting and tracking. They are the rangers of the Drakkhani people and make wonderful guides.

Living on the volcanic ridges prove to be successful for the Downgust. They share the territory with storm trolls, wild unicorn fauns and mountain elves. The volcanic ridge that they live on is often call the Dragon's Back by the elves for the various volcanoes that dot the area. Most of them are still active only one is extinct and that is the aerie for the Downgust.

Their clan is very typical for drakkhani society, however there is one difference. Females are often the warriors of the clan and are the primary rangers of the Downgust. They often leave the aerie during fall and serve the neighboring caravans by acting as guides through the treacherous mountains. The have a working relationship with humans and a very distant one with the mountain elves however they work well with the storm trolls that lurk around the deep crags.

They are fierce warriors and resourceful mountain-folk, they are the only drakkhani dia to have tamed highland gryffins as companions. The rangers often have them as working animals to guide the human nomads that live up north. Highland gryffins are part snowy-owl and lynx, they are clever and silent hunters. Many rangers have deep love for the taigas and deep forests, they are sensitive to their changes, especially shamans who are more like druids in the Downgust.

Downgust farm winter wheat and rice in the volcanic soil. They are the only clan that regurlarly trades with the storm trolls. Trolls often supply the clan with metals to forge and craft weapons with. In return the Downgust give the trolls tuu'ji a kind of liquor harvested from elderberries. Highly potent and a favorite of the trolls. They also learned from them to make specialized bows and arrows for the heavy storms that ravage the Dragon's Back. The Downgust and Stormwake clans often share territories, it's not uncommon for the Downgust to work with the Stormwake families. Their emblem is the tree descending arrows represent their arching and ranger-work. They have gray skin, amber eyes with dark blue horns. Hair is always white.

Clan allies and foes
They are fond of the storm trolls Stormwake and have a good relationship with the Wintervale if they head down south. They are cross with the Rautaun and very tense with the Yu'Taka.