Clan Name Stormewake Subclans: Hailborn and Squallriders
Climate Mountains and deep valleys
Clan Structure This clan is often called the “Clan of Raiders” or aka “Viking Drakkhani” Violent and dominating. The Stormwake and their Ji (or sister clans) tend to take over and eliminate other sentient territories, except territories belonging to drakkhani. They are a strong and hard-boiled clan with a love of adventure and family. They tend very xenophobic and have the worse relationships with humans and loathe elves. The Stormwake as a whole tend to expand territories during the cold winters and ambush small human villages raiding and setting them on fire. Spring they return to their main aeries and simply watch over their lands. They are vicious to outsiders and will slaughter trespassers
Sister clans from the Main dia are the Squallriders which tend to be less violent than they mother clan and leave humans alone but will slaughter elves on sight. Hailborn are reclusive and tend not to expand territories during winter but will guard lands with fervor. They have deep love of their clan and people and are the first ones to defend fellow clans from attack. Because of this despite tense relations with Galesong and Glasswing, most clans tend to tolerate Stormwake because of their proud and fraternistic manners. Glasswing and Galesong's own personal dislike to Stormwake is because of territorial disputes and resources. (Hence why Glasswing dislike Squallriders, it's because they are kinda taking up all the good spots to grow crops)
They get their names from they fact that they ride with the winds that bring storms and blizzards and their deep “rollcloud” colored skin. Squallriders tend to have decent relationships with humans around their territory. Humans leave them alone and they leave them alone. They also protect these villages from elves and in return humans often trade for this service with iron ore to make weapons. Because of this humans tend to tolerate the Squallriders.
Clan emblem is the lighting wheel, Hailborn will have one with a pentacle in the middle, Squallriders will have all black lighting bolts.
Stormwake have gray skin and white horns/talons. Hair deep black and they have rich blue eyes. Haliborn often have black mottling on skin. Squallriders have dark lavender skin or lavender mottling.
Clan allies and foes Glasswing and Galesong tend to have ground disputes, but good relationships all around.
Clan Name Kalijani, Ji: Riverstar and Clearstream
Drakkhani Name Taa'ju 'whistle click' (Canyon dwellers)
Climate Dry climates near gorges and canyons, steppes and plains
Clan Structure This dia tends to be the most gregarious and out going of the drakkhani people. The are primarily fishers with a love of flying in their canyon homes. They are also known for their body modification and piercings. They are very friendly and open with humans making this the primary place for scientists to study drakkhani.
There are many theories on why this dia tends to be open with humans the most. The most popular is the fact that humans taught the clan how to fish and use nets. Also at one point human settlements blended in with main Kalijani roosts forming tight relations with them. However after two centuries the human villages that made their homes on top of the canyons where the clan lived have left. Despite that, the Kalijani are still friendly to the nomads that pass through there is even been a rumor that his clan has raised human children along side their own hatchlings. Kalijani is human word, meaning “Canyon Dragon” the Kalijani adopted that word as their name and humans call themselves Ya'hi 'click' “Dragon friend”
Their symbiotic relationship with humans in their territory has been a model of xeno/anthro relations to anthropologists wanting to see if it's possible for humans to live and commune with sentients outside of their species. Scientists found that in order for humans and drakkhani to have meaningful and strong ties you need to start educating them young. As infants humans played with drakkhani hatchlings, and were educated with them. Over the years those relations continued onwards into adult hood. However there are restrictions. Humans are forbidden to take drakkhani spouses and sex with a drakkhani is still considered somewhat taboo. Adult humans are not allowed in rookery as well and only very few can witness hatchings.
Their relationships with the elves however are not good at all. They have a very heated feud with the mountain elves in their territory and the Bluefangs. The elven feud is not surprising because of the poaching of eggs. Humans also have tense relationship with elves but not as strong as the Kalijani for some reason. Historians believe that the elves don't persecute the humans on top of the canyons where the clan lives and leave them alone. However to the Ya'hi tribes, the robbing of eggs is the same as robbing their own children and like the Kalijani the Ya'hi will kill an elf on sight. What made their hate so brutal is when the Yotaa Incident happened which happened a century ago.
Yotaa was a female Riverstar that lived with her clan in a gorge network not to fair where a caravan of mountain elves pass though. These elves come from a ancient family that often hunted the imperial dragons. Traditionally they would have young men take a dragon while in heat and mate with it to come of age. Yotaa was hunting on top of the gorge when the family caught her and brutally gang raped her. When the her Riverstar found out they went into a rage and slaughtered the caravan. When word of the rape passed through the other Kalijani clans. Their tense relationship with elves became a deadly blood feud. Since then elves try to avoid the territories as much as possible. Seeing their emblem, the waterfall, will have them trembling.
The rivalry with Bluefangs is mostly petty arguments over territories and them “mucking our rivers” while it's considered bad fight. It's not as deadly as their war against elves. Bluefangs tend to also be wary around Clearstream because they tend to be the most violent around them. Their personality relationship with humans and elves is a working example of their personality. Kalijani are the most generous and loving towards those they considered their allies but will be the most merciless towards their enemies. They also tend to hold grudges for centuries.
Kalijani have tan skin and brown horns and talons. They also have green eyes and red hair or blond. They are primarily fishers.
Clan allies and foesThe have a bad rivalry with the Bluefangs especially with the Clearstream ji. They have an excellent relationship with the Rautaun.
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