Clan: Galesong
Climate: Mountains and Highlands
Clan Structure: Basic with an emphasis on training and raising shamans/mages
This clan while having many stereotypical behaviors of a drakkhani clan, has a interesting emphasis with music and history. The Galesongs have been remarked as the “Clan of bards” by elves and humans alike other drakkhani call them “uru'haa*whisle chirp*” or, 'The family that sings of memories”. Song is an important part of Galesong traditions. While many clans or dia have a love of music and storytelling. It's considered a cultural norm within Galesong society. Even before hatching, unborn drakkhani hear the whisper-songs from their caregivers. Since hatching they are often sung too and learn to recite simple poems and verses. As they get older the decided whether to train to be come a “Song-Teller” or a bard a simple working member of the clan. This decision is made by the child alone while adults may influence in Galesong culture children are respected when it comes to learning the art of bardcraft. It's their choice and theirs alone.
Hatchlings that are trained to be bards study and learn the history of their people, memorize songs and stories and once they come of age they often journey into the wide world to hone their gift. The often return from their “Year of Wandering” wiser and more assured. Some Galesongs stay with other clans others after their Wandering stay with humans...speaking of which
Galesongs like the Glassings have a working and very respected relationship with humans. They make magical instruments which they trade with humans in the villages below. The Galesongs often protect these villages from brigands and raiders. They are one of the very few human friendly clans.
Bards often sing magic spells and rites to different deities. Their clan emblem is the Harp.
Modern Galesongs while different than their wild cousins, often have a love for music and many Galesongs get into the music industry or become writers. For our brothers Lucian and Taajah, they too have a love for music and poetry. Lucian writes poetry in drakkhani and often publishes it. Taajah, learned how to play the guitar and is good at it. These two however are not bards but the love of music and art is in their blood. (Lucian is a geomancer and Taajah is a summoner)
Galesongs are dualistic in coloring. Light phase have white horns brown hair and gold skin. Dark phase has black horns brown hair and purple skin. Eyes can be green or blue. Mutations are tail spines, and marbling of skin. The skin would have solid tone while veins of an alternating color (for instance a light phase Galesong with purple streaks) breeding with Greenflames have produced Galesongs with spines on their arms.
Clan allies Glasswings, Greenflames
Clan foes Bluefangs Stormwake (The whole dia)
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