Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clan Notes: Glasswings

Clan: Glasswing

Climate: Hilly and wooded areas
Clan structure: Basic in design they have a traditional Clan Father/Mother a council of elders and crehs for the young unmated adults.

The Glasswing clan is as classic as you can get within the drakkhani culture. Their clan behavior is used as a model to understand how clans operate and behave as well as a standard to compare other clans too. They are lead by a Clan mother and Clan father who govern the clan's habits and lifestyle. They work as a team deciding who will hunt, fish, guard the nests and educate the hatchlings. They are incredibly important for the clan to keep things consistent and balance. A council of elders act like advisers to situations and circumstances that need more insight and investigation.

The clan has crehs or bachelor groups of young drakkhani that is separated by sex. This prevents over breeding and dominance behaviors from both sexes (males specifically because of their rutting). The clan is semi-hunter gatherer. They have plots of land that they grow corn and wheat for bread in the winter and raise livestock, however during the winter the clan migrates.

Glasswings are specialized in archery. They have well crafted bows and throwing weapons like atlatals. They are also well accomplished aerial archers and have special bows that are light and easy to use. They are well versed in aerial combat. They have decent relationships with humans around their territory and trade their bows for their steel weapons.

As far as religious practices go, Glasswings have a shaman (makh'haa or God-Priest) shamans are picked as young hatchlings to be raised in the mystic arts, they often have some defect or anomaly that makes them unique (like hetrochromatic eyes, mottling on skin, being a twin, being intersexed etc). They are considered 'marked' by the gods to be their intercessor and are treated with respect.

Glasswings have gold to dark brown eyes blond to wheat colored hair and skin that is pale blue to dark purple. Horns are white. Common mutations are hetrochromatic eyes, albinism and missing horns. Having turquoise eyes are another mutation but caused by breading with Yu'taka drakkhani.

Clan emblem is the winged dagger.

Clan allies are the Galesongs, Sunwings and the Rautaun Clan foes are the Bluefangs and the Squallrider clan (sub-clan of the Stormwake)

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