the ahbal or drakkhani alphabet has 29 characters it lacks C and W it has KH DH JU DD and JJ they do not have Capital letters. Notes on the new letters
KH=kah DH-dah JU=wuh DD=th JJ=ch
Use of body language
Drakkhani use wings tail head hands and ears to change the meaning and tone of words for instance the sentence “What do you want now?” with no movements denotes that the one asking the question is blank in tone and is being literal, the movements (bah'to meaning body-words) change the expression of the sentence. Wigging of the ears turns the question in something more whiny. While swishing one's tail means the question is sarcastic and angry. Quick flare of the wings means anger or impatience. Bah'to without spoken words (geh'to meaning mouth-words) are more sublet and hard to translate. As a rule though, wings out and flapping denote anger, tail swishing denotes doubt or hesitancy, ears wiggling or moving mean interest. There are more bah'to including hand gestures but it's very complicated.
Betalarynx words
Words consisting of the secondary vocal cords are almost impossible to replicate with the human larynx. These include whistling, chirping, clicking, growls, long whoops, teeth grinding and roaring. These are mostly made by the secondary vocal cords of drakkhani and they are used for certain words as well as to change the grammar of the sentence. Example: The use of clicking and a sharp hiss with in the sentence “I have two apples” into “I had two apples”. Adding the bah'to of a head bob turns the sentence into “I ate two apples.” Humans replace the betalarynx words with onomatopoeic words that denote the the sounds (IE: The hissing sound used for verbs is replaces by “hiz” in the anthromorphed language)
Some words change by the use of bah'to and betalarnyx. The word 'eio' (a tripthong) means child. Adding a click to it changes the meaning from child to egg. Adding a hum to it along with the click means treasure or wealth. Adding two clicks means adolescent. The word “babi” has a similar evolution. Babi is a dimunitive word. It means daddy. “Babitah” means father. Now. Adding three clicks turns Babitah into clan-father or chieftain. Adding a click and whistle turns into uncle.
That is the basic over view of drakk explain verbs nouns and adjectives is coming up later.
ETA: The language is still be constructed some laws might change
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